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Trespassing while parking for others

Why trespassing is not accepted in the case of third-party parking and why it is better not to block unauthorized parked cars.

Paul and his (inadmissible) ideas for dealing with third-party parkers

Paul Pfiffig:

Do you have any other ideas for taking action against parking offenders?

How about, for example, a charge of trespassing or blocking the parking offender for a few hours (which I have already done)?


Hello Paul

Although your ideas are creative, they are probably inadmissible in most cases. Anyone who tailgates parking offenders and prevents them from driving away may be liable to prosecution for coercion. We can only advise against this.

A charge of trespassing would be possible in individual cases. However, the parking lot must be completely enclosed (e.g. wall or fence and a closed gate). In addition, a “No Trespassing” sign would have to be installed for trespassing to occur in the event of parking by third parties.

But how many of us have completely fenced-off parking lots?



Further contributions

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