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Private video surveillance

Private video surveillance is generally permitted for security purposes. However, public spaces or other properties may not be filmed.

Sepp and private video surveillance

Sepp Security:

There has been a recent spate of break-ins in my neighborhood. I would now like to install private video surveillance to protect myself against burglars. This is to film my garden and driveway. What do I need to consider?


Hello Sepp

Private video surveillance for security purposes is generally permitted. However, the camera may only film up to the boundary of the property. The public space or a neighboring property may not be included.

The video recordings fall under the Data Protection Act (DSG) as personal data. This means that people must be made aware of the monitoring by means of signs. Furthermore, the records must only be kept for as long as the purpose requires. As a rule, this is 24 hours. If you are absent on vacation, you can also record for longer and then check and delete the recordings when you return from vacation.



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